What is the NI Micro-Business E-Commerce Grant?
In response to COVID-19 Invest NI has recently launched a new £3 million fund to help retail micro-businesses in Northern Ireland looking to grow their business online.

Image Credit – NI Business Info
How much is available?
Businesses can access up to a maximum grant of £5,000 to support 80% of eligible costs.
What activities does the grant apply to?
Eligible activities include the services of a supplier(s) providing expertise to:
- Review current digital marketing capabilities and online sales channels.
- Develop a digital marketing/e-commerce strategy to drive sustainable growth in online sales.
- Implement an enhanced online e-commerce system or improvements to your existing e-commerce solution for the business.
- In-house training and knowledge transfer to develop the digital marketing and e-commerce capability of the employees for the business.
- Improve integration and automation with existing e-commerce systems.
How can we help?
We are a service provider with experience working with online retailers helping them grow their business through SEO and Pay Per Click. We can discuss your needs and put a proposal together. If you have an e-commerce website that is underperforming, we can offer SEO and Pay Per Click audits, and implement the recommendations of the audits. We can also provide training in SEO or Pay Per Click.
What now?
Give us a call to discuss how we can help and put a project proposal together.
For more details on visit the NI Business site.